I can't believe that the 1/2 Marathon was only a week or so ago. This recovery week has been a long one. I think I've felt every emotion from euphoria to deep grief and reached a new level of exhaustion. And maybe it's because of this exhaustion that every emotion seems deeper.
I went to see a local production of 'Rent' this week. It was a great, I went to see it with good friends. It was at a dinner theater in Columbia. As I was watching it I couldn't help but think of Uncle. It was one of his favorite musicals, if not his favorite. He talked about it all the time. He talked about the song 'No Day But Today' while he was preparing for the NYC Marathon and how that song helped him deal with his mother's death and we sang '525,600 Minutes' at his funeral. I put that song on my Ipod while I was training too, it helped me too. It was in a theater that he would have loved too. Anyway, it's hard to see this musical and not think of him. I held it together for most of it, but I cried all the way home. I ached because I missed him so much!! I think some of it was just let down from the race, because I was so high on life after the race, that I don't think I let that emotion in. So it was almost a perfect way to allow me to process the last part of the journey.
As reality kind of settled back in our house, new emotions showed up, fear, suspicion and anger. The evening of the marathon, our neighbors from across the street walked over to our house and brought me flowers, which was so incredibly thoughtful. They walked back to their house and got right in their car and went to a friend's house for dinner. 15 minutes after they left, someone broke into their house, they kicked in the glass on their back door and stole over $10,000 worth of stuff. My neighbors were apparently being watched. They went through the house and trashed it, went through the dresser drawers. Such a huge violation!! This didn't happen in the middle of the night, this happened at 8:15 in the evening!!! We were up, I was getting the girls ready for bed and they were watching a movie with my Dad. We didn't see anything. The next thing I saw were police cars out in the street. It was such a shock. Another house down the street was broken into as well and 2 houses right across from us had their locks tampered with.
We live in a lovely tight knit community, this has rattled all of us. It has left me feeling uncomfortable in my own house. I feel violated even though it wasn't my house, but it was my neighborhood. Last night, as we were getting ready for bed, we heard a helicopter circling over head for over 20 minutes. I asked Seth if he had seen anything out the window and he said he hadn't. I was a little worried, but I wasn't sure I wanted to know what was going on. I went to sleep and slept soundly.
This morning as we were walking back to the house after dropping Sarah off at school, our neighbor was waiting for me to tell me about what had happened last night. Apparently the helicopter was looking for someone who had tried to break into a house a few streets away and he had run away and had run on the path right next to our house. Our address was on the police scanner! They did not find him. But now, they are increasing patrols on our street and hopefully this close call scared him off and the mayhem will stop for awhile or end totally. We are being a lot more careful, but I'm going to try not to let it control me. I pray every night to keep us all safe and I have to trust that. All our neighbors are on the lookout and keeping their eyes open. I don't want to be afraid in my own home!
On a happier note, the girls are doing well, having some trouble listening but other than that ok. They both love school and are so excited about Halloween. Sarah is going to be Jasmine from Aladdin and Emma is going to be Tiana, from Princess and the Frog. Emma is coughing again, no fever though. Hopefully we can keep the sickness away, although it wouldn't be Halloween if Em wasn't sick, she has been sick for every one. She is having breathing treatments twice a day, keep your fingers crossed that will work.
We have also jumped into doing some landscaping and it feels good. I have always hated the shrubs that we in front of our house. So I chopped them up on Friday, Seth dug them up on Saturday and we bought new shrubs. On Sunday after church, Seth planted and mulched them, while I raked up leaves with the girls. We were outside all day, it was great! I have plans for the other bush in front of our house and the trees on each end of the house! I'm really enjoying, planning, shopping, cutting and digging these up ourselves. I didn't think I would enjoy it, but I have loved it!
So it has been an eventful recovery week, I'm pretty sure that I need to get back to the gym. I think that is another reason, I've been kind of down this week. I need to get those endorphins going! Sign up for the VT City Marathon relay doesn't start until January, but I'm already planning on it!! But in the mean time, I have a bunch of things to do around here.
I am sorry to hear of the unsettling things going on in your neighborhood. Be safe.
ReplyDeleteI recognize and understand your emotional response to RENT. Peter loved that
play and the music, the association is so strong. And mostly it is loving thoughts, I can hear and see him singing/saying words but sometime tho,its intense missing him feelings that come out, and tears just flow because I can't touch/hug him. And then deep breaths and a few words spoken to him, and then my world rights itself and I am good. Thru RENT we keep him close
Hugs to you, lots of love