Here is just a quick recap of the week in no particular order:
Highs: Going to Pump It Up with friends and having a great time; Taking the girls to Toy Story 3 and having a great day out with my girls!!; Going to the Disney Store, having the girls pick out new beach towels and new stuffed animals from Toy Story, Em got Buttercup and Sarah got Dolly - both SO cute; Running my farthest distance in my best time so far (5.14 miles in 61 minutes - yeah!!); Going to the pool, watching my girls be fearless in the water!; Running 3 times this week and going 13.08 miles; Making the Happy Birthday banner with Sarah and Emma: The girls having a great dentist appointment; Seth leaving work to go look for Emma's Buttercup unicorn; Having trouble getting up this morning, but still was able to run almost 4 miles; Seth saying that he would take Emma out to see a movie or doing something special during Sarah's party so that she won't get the other kids sick and her party can still go on
Lows: Emma being sick with a fever for 3 days, Motrin brings her fever down and she seems like herself, but when the Motrin wears off, her fever goes back up and she is very clingy and whiny. She just wants to sit on my lap - very sad; Feeling like I should be doing other things while I'm holding Em; Losing Emma's new Buttercup unicorn at the store and not having time to go back and look for it because we had to go to the dentist; Feeling like I didn't have enough time this week to write while all this was going; Missing Zumba, Missing running errands by myself; Having a couple disagreements with Sarah, hearing from her that when she has kids she is going to let them ........; Worrying about how to handle Sarah's party since Em has the fever; Hoping and praying that Em wakes up fever free tomorrow morning!!!!!!
What I learned about myself: I felt really strong while I was running this week, I think that riding the bike this winter has really helped strengthen my legs!; That I can not yell when we are getting ready to leave the house, even those it's really tempting; That I still really enjoy just holding my baby, Em; Is glad that the girls are old enough that I can take them places by myself and it's ok; I really enjoyed seeing Toy Story 3, even if it scared my girls some, I got teary at several points while watching it; Just how truly blessed I am to have 2 beautiful healthy girls and a wonderful husband and to have my health so I can go running!!; I figured out that even when I want to roll back over and hit the snooze, I always feel better after I've gotten up and worked out, especially going out for a run
What I learned about the group: That we really do all work better with a planned schedule; that Sarah has been really sweet to Emma while she hasn't been feeling well; Reminded what a wonderful father Seth is - leaving work to look for Em's Buttercup and taking her out so that Sarah's party can still go on and many other little things throughout the week; that I need to have the kids help with the grocery shopping, having them help with the list and having them look for items makes it a much more enjoyable shopping trip!
So that about sums my week. Tomorrow is Sarah's birthday party, it will be a smaller group than usual, it will be really fun regardless, but we will miss Em and Seth! After the party we are heading to an Orioles game, it will be another busy day! Hopefully life will slow down a bit and I can write more about things, but this was a good quick overview :) of what has been going on here. Really looking forward the party. I can't believe Sarah will be turning 5 on July 3rd!!
Thanks for reading my ramblings!!!
Hang in there. At least you have the peace of mind to know that you are still learning many things. I am having trouble posting comments to your blog.